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School Data


This is our data. What it continues is psat 2010, psat 2011 (broken into sections), Spring 8th grade math, reading scores on NWEA, gpa, school, paths status, and current year.


Put your results on this google spreadsheet

Put your graphs on this google doc:

We are going to look at a lot of stuff:

Descriptive statistics: - create some visual way to share al of this data

  1. Create new columns for total psat2010, psat2011, and 8thgrade scores
  2. Find mean,median, standard deviation of all data columns except gpa.
  3. Find mean,median, standard deviation broken down by school of all data columns.
  4. Create a histogram (requires freq dist) for junior total psat scores at all schools, and split into 4 schools.
  5. Create a histogram (requires freq dist) for sohpmore total psat scores at all schools, and split into 4 schools.
  6. Create a histogram (requires freq dist) for junior total psat scores at all schools, and split into 4 schools.


Lets answer some real questions:


Figure out the mean median standard deviation percentiles between:

  • a. 8th grade total - soph sat total at each school
  • b. 8th grade total - soph sat math at each school
  • c. 8th grade total - soph sat reading at each school
  • d. 8th grade total - junior sat total at each school [look at just current seniors]
  • e. 8th grade total - junior sat math at each school[look at just current seniors]
  • h. 8th grade total - junior sat reading at each school[look at just current seniors]
  • g. soph-junior year sat at each school[look at just current seniors]
  • f. GPA vs Junior SAT at each school - difference between percentiles
  1. Did different years do better (compare schools)?